Mouvement média d’ici

The media industry is going through an unprecedented crisis. For several years now, the migration of advertising investments to global digital platforms has deprived them of significant revenues to enable them to imagine, produce and distribute local content. 

This is why A2C launched the Mouvement média d’ici, which seeks to raise awareness among all industry players of the difficult situation facing local media. 

Pledge “I support the Mouvement média d’ici

Concrete action must be taken quickly to support quality journalistic content and our Canadian media. A2C invites all companies and organizations to join the Mouvement média d’ici by signing the pledge if you are a company or organization that:

  • Already invests more than 25% of its digital media budget in Canadian media;


  • Is committed to evaluating options and alternatives to increase its digital investment in Canadian media (local and regional) with the objective of reaching or surpassing the 25% target;


  • Is an agency that proposes responsible media plans or marketing initiatives with the objective of reaching or surpassing the 25% target for digital media investment in Canadian media.

I support the Mouvement média d’ici


Consult the list of signatories (in French only)



Quebec’s advertising industry has set itself the goal of doubling the share of digital budgets going to local media over the next three years. Achieving this objective would inject more than $200 million a year into our ecosystem, thereby contributing to the health of local media and the creation of home-grown content.

Manifesto for responsible media practices

The Manifesto for Responsible Media Practices (in French only) is a rallying cry that underlines the vital importance of investing in our media, but also the emergency need to mobilize our industry in the face of this challenge. The migration of media budgets to digital is a long-standing trend. On average, more than half of advertisers’ media budgets are devoted to digital, but it is striking to note that only 14% of these digital placements go to local media.

Download our Manifesto

Guide to Responsible Media Practices

The Guide to Responsible Media Practices (in French only) is designed for media professionals, both agencies and advertisers. It is intended to serve as a guideline for a responsible media approach by supporting the local media ecosystem while benefitting advertisers and consumers in a socially, culturally, and economically positive way.

Download the Guide

Local Media Index

The Local Media Index (in French only) showcases the proportion of digital and total investments made in local media. Its purpose is to highlight the advertisers and agencies’ dedication to raise awareness about the Movement and to take concrete action.

Download the Local Media Index

Explanatory Webinar

Watch the webinar (in French only) presented by the panel of experts who contributed to the development of these tools, which will explain in detail how to use them.

Watch the webinar


Adhere to the principle of responsible media practices and take action now. Show your support! Download the Mouvement média d’ici icon and use the visual in your email signature, communications, etc

Certification Média d’ici

This certification offers a one-day training course, led by a quartet of experts, focusing on the importance of local media and providing tools for integrating them into media recommendations. The course includes practical exercises and a test, and is aimed at media agency professionals such as media strategists and buyers.



A2C applaud the Canadian digital media directory initiative, which also supports local media. It demonstrates, with statistical support, that buying local advertising is not only a responsible choice, but also a relevant and effective strategy for advertisers.



*Note that you will find references to the CDMQ in the Manifesto and the Guide as they were produced before it joined the A2C.