Launching student registrations: The A2C’s Agency Open House Day is back with a hybrid model

The Association of Creative Communications Agencies (A2C) has officially opened registrations for its Agency Open House Day, an event organized in collaboration with the Association des cabinets de relations publiques du Québec (ACRPQ), Grenier aux Nouvelles, and Urbania., CÉGEP and university students are invited to spend a day in the world of communications agencies, virtually or in person, this coming February 4.


Back for a 14th edition, the Agency Open House Day is the perfect opportunity for the next generation of communications professionals to get a taste of life in an agency and to discover the myriad possibilities of careers within the industry. During three-hour meetings, participants will visit the offices of the agency they have been paired with, discover its inner workings and corporate culture, meet representatives of various departments, review case studies and/or campaigns, participate in brainstorming and pitch simulations, and get advice on the first steps to jumpstart their career in the industry. The Agency Open House Day is also an excellent occasion for students to network and perhaps even find an internship.


Two time slots are available for students: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and/or 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. On the registration form, students will be asked to pick a virtual or in-person activity and list which specialties (360, design, media, digital, etc.) they are interested in. The A2C will then pair each student with an agency.


In addition to this activity, Grenier aux nouvelles will be holding the webinar Se préparer et se démarquer lors de son entrée en agence : trucs et astuces de recruteurs on on February 7th to discuss the best ways for graduates to stand out during the recruitment process and provide them with invaluable tips. This webinar will be available to the first 100 people to sign up for the Agency Open House Day.

Information about the Agency Open House Day:

Date: Friday, February 4th, 2022

Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and/or 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Location: In person or by videoconference (at the discretion of the agency)

Cost: $10 ($15 starting on January 3rd). Registration fees will be used for scholarships given away in a draw to participating students.

Deadline for registration: January 21st, 2022

