Agency Open House Day

Agency Open House Day: a concrete experience of agency life!


Every year in early February, dozens of agencies across the province with diverse profiles open their doors to hundreds of university and CEGEP students to give them a taste of the industry.

With this initiative, the A2C wishes to demystify the world of agencies and shine a light on the career opportunities for these young leaders of tomorrow by providing them with a hands-on in-house experience.

The concept is simple: students who sign up are put into groups and assigned to an agency where they’ll spend half a day getting to know the world of advertising and communications.

To find out more about the world of creative communications agencies, visit the That’s agency life platform, which includes a wide range of relevant content and resources.


2024 Edition

The 16th edition of our Agency Open House Day was held on Friday, February 16, in our 54 participating agencies. To experience or relive the event, check out the photo album and video recap below!



Frequently asked questions


Who can sign up?

How do I sign up?


In what language will the event take place?

How many agencies will I be able to visit?

Can I choose the agency? How do you pair us up with agencies?

What will we be doing during the open house?

How many people will be in my group?

Will there be prizes?


Can I register my entire group for the activity?

Will my group be together at the same agency?